Sunday 1 May 2016

The Ninnyhammer

“You're nowt but a ninnyhammer, Troels Forchhammer!”

I have just accidentally synchronised my Tolkien Transactions in the wrong direction, overwriting a full day's work ...

Attempts to recover this have proved futile.

I will not have time to recreate this – I was already planning to mostly just post links to articles that I would have liked to have time to read, and recreating it will take considerably longer than the original work (as I delete the links from my list as I put them into the transactions).

This means that there will be no Tolkien Transactions for April 2016.

Issue LXIX will be posted at the beginning of June, covering May (and perhaps what is salvageable from April ... insofar as I have time).

The gaffer's paternal word-hoard does come easily to mind at the moment ...

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear it, Troels :-(

    Will be looking forward to the next issue


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